Member Of The Month: Russell

Published on Thursday, 29 July 2021 at 8:31:07 AM

Our July Member of the Month is Russell.

We have a loyal cohort of senior members, and Russell is one of them. A member for 3 years, Russell loves golf and has cycled obsessively in the past, but these days he enjoys the benefits of strength training.

We talked to Russell about his active lifestyle and what he loves about coming here.

Why is physical activity so important to you?

For me, I think it’s important to stay active as you get older. There are a lot of seniors that come to the gym – you can tell they come for the same reasons that I come here.

I like to be fit. You take natural pride in being fit. It makes you feel good. Your clothes feel good.

I’m glad to be doing a weight program. I haven’t had great advancements in building muscle, it’s more about maintaining it.

How does staying active fit into your lifestyle?

I walk the dogs in the morning, do some work and then my wife and I come to Beatty Park and we do our exercise during the lunch hour. I’m able to stay consistent because I’ve locked in a set routine – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. If I miss a day I’m not too happy about it. If you don’t have the routine it’s hard to be consistent.

You need that motivation, without that it’s hard to come. When you’re exercising you sometimes think it’d be great if it was finished but the strange thing is if I don’t come I miss it. It becomes something that you look forward to.

What motivates you to stay active?

I’m motivated to do it because of the benefits that come from it, especially as I’m getting older. When you get to a certain age if you’re not using it you lose it. That’s why I come. I used to do lots of cardio and was quite obsessed with cycling but I’m pleased now to be doing weights and using my muscles more.

What’s so great about Beatty Park?

When I first came here I pointed out I had a couple of injuries. I’ve been given programs specific to those injuries and the improvement has been phenomenal. I’m so much stronger. It took me about 6 months of workouts just to get strength back in my shoulder.

This place is also great for staying social. It’s not just that I love coming here for the great equipment, I love the friendships I’ve made. Speaking to people about what they do, things we have in common – it does disrupt my workout sometimes but you always get through the workout. Me and my wife have even been to one of the trainers’ birthday parties and met with some of the other trainers and got to know them.

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